Tyler Cowen’s Techno Slump

admin Tech Note

Have we utterly deluded ourselves? Are we in a technological Dark Age? Here is my analysis in Forbes of Tyler Cowen’s new e-book essay The Great Stagnation, which argues we’ve eaten all the low-hanging fruit and maybe we’ll have to settle for less.

World Broadband Comparisons, an update

admin Tech Note

New numbers from Cisco allow us to update our previous comparison of actual Internet usage around the world. We think this is a far more useful metric than the usual “broadband connections per 100 inhabitants” used by the OECD and others to compile the oft-cited world broadband rankings. What the per capita metric really measures is household size. And because …

China won’t repeat protectionist past in digital realm

admin Tech Note

See our new CircleID commentary on the China-Google dustup and its implications for an open Internet: China is nowhere near closing for business as it did five centuries ago. One doubts, however, that the Ming emperor knew he was dooming his people for the next couple hundred years, depriving them of the goods and ideas of the coming Industrial Revolution. China’s …